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We never played the alphabet game. That would be a challenge.
While travelling,the Burma Shave signs were fun but I understand they took them away because people were distracted. Now, how about those cells and texting? Around this house there is a copy of the Golden Trashery by Ogden Nashery, or something like that. There is the one that goes: Candy is dandy but likker is quicker. Hmm....Frank


The Zs are easy, Mom. The signs in the medians all along the interstate say "AuthoriZed Vehicles Only"! :)


Yes, but that's cheating--just like using the X's off the highway signs. It's the BILLBOARD game, after all.


After my most recent trip across the state, I want to extend my best wishes for the lasting success of J.R.'s Bar and Grill at Okaton. Or was that J. B.'s at Belvidere? Anyway, good luck. I hope your sign is up for a long, long time.

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