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Ginny Putz

In the year of 1957[or was it '58?]we were to leave our house in town and spend the winter with Frank's dad in Los Angeles. We left town in the wee hours of the morning, and drove and drove and drove and DROVE into the dark hours of the night.....Frank was determined to get from point A to point B in the least time he could. Somewhere in the wilds of Utah, the moans and cries of myself and our son, persuaded him to stop for what remained of the rest of the night....we found a little motel and fell exhausted into bed around eleven o'clock, and five hours later were on the road again. We arrived in Covina, California around 3pm that afternoon. But we were younger then......The tables were turned in my favor YEARS later, in1978,when on the way to Arizona, I had Frank stop at every historical marker along the road so that I could copy in my notebook, every word on the plaques......Ginny


Ginny and I don't drive to see our son and family in Montana during the Sturgis Bike rally. We made that mistake once, when they first moved out there. We found that one can't find an unoccupied rest room or fast food joint between Mitchell and the Wyoming border as there are hundreds of bikes in all the parking lots, to say nothing about them all over the roads. Thanks for the blog. Frank

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