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Frank Putz

I posted a comment on your Facebook entry, about my experience with an avocado seed this winter. I have sprouted many of them in a glass of water before, but this year, all I got was a glass of stinky water. So your project had company, in it's aborted attempt.


I have found that the way to get tomato[or any other kind of seed]to sprout and grow is to scatter them where you DON'T want them to be. That way they take off and flourish marvelously, and you can transplant them to the place where you DO want them and they can react accordingly...in most cases, in my experience, with a quick and final wilt. ginny


I really like the "where you don't want them" approach. I have a theory that the best way to get rid of dandelions would be to find a use for them so they'd be considered a cash crop. They'd immediately become hard to grow.
By the way, the day after I published this, my tomato seeds started to sprout. Apparently public shaming works well, too!

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