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What a hoot! It sounds like Thanksgiving is at hand.


If I can just perfect my aim with a slingshot . . .


On the farm, we had wild turkeys who would come into the house yard and lie in the shade of the house right alongside of my many yard cats. All was friendly and peaceful...nice to see. Then, one day, a turkey hen appeared with a brood of little chicks trotting around her feet. One cat began stalking the chicks, and the hen flew up in the air and socked the cat with her feet..I had to run out to save the dazed and shocked cat. So much for the friendly feline/bird mingling..the hunting instinct of the cat and the fierce maternal instinct of the turkey hen came into play and ruined the former peace. I was sorry about that. Ginny


We have a big gray cat in our neighborhood who eats "our" baby bunnies--maybe I should encourage that cat to hang out with the turkeys instead . . .

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